Q! The nervous one.

A uptight control freak with a penchant for writing and just falling short of thier goals. Has a bad case of resting bitch face, but is nice when you get to know them. Sometimes.

Occupation: Falling asleep at their desk when they're supposed to be studying

Favorite Movie: Twilight, probably.

Motivation: The hope that their parents will return from whatever country they're in now just to congratulate them on an A

Favorite Object: Their journal, because it's the only thing that truly listens to them

Pet Peeves: Emoticons, thier tics getting in the way of conversation, rowdy teenage boys that flock in groups

Love Language: Writing down and obsessing over literally every single thing

Temperature Allignment: Cold

Fun Facts:

  1. Despite the fact that they probably look like a stone cold bitch, they cry quite easily. It's not hard to make them overwhelmed.
  2. They're 5'10, which is a whole whopping 9 inches taller than Z. And then they get even taller. In fact, it's their choice.
  3. If Q used the internet for anything else other than watching shitty heterosexual romcoms and researching whether or not they have Tourettes, they'd be one of those people who makes those frog memes that are like "don't put me in a situation."
  4. They often fantasize about arson
  5. They make life harder for themselves by following every step in a formula or plan exactly as it's written down on the page, and memorizing things by just repeating them over and over. They think their hard work will pay off but it's the mental equivalent of trying to dig out of a stone prison with a plastic spoon.